Wanting Zhang

6. Wanting Zhang 張婉婷

來自 From: 華盛頓特區  Washington, D.C.

年齡 Age: 23

體重 Weight: 109 lbs

身高 Height: 5’7”

職業 Occupation: 企業家 /  博主  Entrepreneur / Blogger

學歷 Education: The Johns Hopkins University - Master of Real Estate 23’

能說什麼語言 Languages: 普通話、英語  Mandarin, English

興趣/專長 Hobbies/Skills: 高爾夫、寫作、旅行、拉二胡、運動營養學、設計產品、徒步、品酒師、創業  Golf, Writing, Traveling, Playing Erhu, Nutrition Science, Designing products, Hiking, WSET Wine testing, Entrepreneurship 

志向 Aspirations: 讓我的商業去創造價值,影響和幫助需要我的人們。通過媒介分享給大家更多我熱愛的事物。去享受生活裡的愛和榮耀,永遠開心。 To let my business create value, impact and help people who need me. To share more of what I love through the media. To always be cheerful while enjoying life's love and glory.

自我介紹 Self-introduction: 

張婉婷出生成長在北京,高中搬去新加坡上學隨後在英國伯明翰大學讀地理專業本科。現在研究生學位就讀於約翰霍普金斯大學房地產專業。在大一疫情期間,婉婷對於打造自己個人品牌產生了興趣,作為女性創業者,婉婷的初衷是希望在疫情期間增加人們對於社會的反思,和通過線下空間作為平台把自己喜歡的產品用不同形式呈現給大眾。創立了CLEO PM生活方式品牌和線下實體畫廊。每季度會展出不同主題的快閃活動和策展主題。在美國就讀研究生期間,婉婷參加了哈佛大學創投俱樂部和世界衛生局環保組織的志願者活動。也參加了美國東海岸選美比賽,獲得了2023康州小姐亞軍和Miss Spirit.在一次幫忙朋友Parsons畢業設計走秀中,登上了Vogue Runway雜誌內頁。婉婷還喜歡打高爾夫,並有計劃成立自己的高爾夫新型防曬材料的女裝品牌。婉婷從小被家裡培養拉二胡和寫書法,對於中國傳統文化有著濃厚的興趣,才藝比賽也是準備了二胡獨奏表演。這次,婉婷參加亞裔小姐比賽,作為一名留學生和女性創業者,婉婷留學多個國家並為自己的中國血統和女性身份感到自豪。希望通過這裡來傳播這份女性力量,同時把這份積極的生命力,作為榜樣來幫助和支持同樣處在異國的華裔同胞們。

Born and raised in Beijing, Wanting Zhang moved to Singapore for high school and then attended the University of Birmingham in the UK for her undergraduate degree in Geography. She is now studying real estate at Johns Hopkins University for her graduate degree.
During the epidemic in her freshman year, Wanting became interested in building her own personal brand. As a female entrepreneur, Wanting's initial intention was to increase people's reflection on society during the epidemic and to present her favorite products in different forms to the public. She founded CLEO PM lifestyle brand and offline art gallery. She exhibits quarterly events with different themes.
During her graduate studies in the U.S., Wanting participated in volunteer activities with Harvard Entrepreneurship Venture Club and WHS Environmental. She also participated in the US East Coast pageant and was the first runner-up of Miss Connecticut 2023 and Miss Spirit. She was featured on the inside of Vogue Runway magazine when she helped her friend Parsons' graduation design runway show. Wanting also enjoys playing golf and has plans to start her own brand of women's clothing made of new sun-protective materials for golf.
Raised by her family to play erhu and write calligraphy, Wanting has a keen interest in traditional Chinese culture and prepared an erhu solo performance for the talent competition.
As an international student and female entrepreneur, Wanting is proud of her Chinese heritage and identity as a woman. Through this competition, she hopes to spread the power of femininity and use this positive life force as a role to help and support the Chinese in other countries.

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