1. Debbie Leung 梁倩淇
From 來自: Hong Kong 香港
Age 年齡: 23
Weigh 體重: 95 lbs
Height 身高: 5’3”
Occupation 職業: Software Engineer 軟件及系統工程師
Education 學歷: Columbia University in the City of New York (B.A. degree in Computer Science and Environmental Biology) 紐約市哥倫比亞大學 (計算機科學及環境生物學的文科學士學位)
Languages 能說什麼語言: English, Cantonese, Mandarin 英文、廣東話、普通話
Hobbies/Skills 興趣/專長: Scuba diving, ice skating, skateboarding, reading, coding, doing lab experiments, community service潛水、溜冰、玩滑板、閱讀、編程、做科學實驗、做社區服務/義工
Aspirations 志向: Be a charismatic, inspirational and independent lady who makes a positive impact and contribution to society成為一名對社會有正面影響力和貢獻的獨當一面女性
Self-introduction 自我介紹:
Hi everyone! My name is Debbie Leung. I am 23 years old, born and raised in Hong Kong but moved to the United States for college when I was 18. I recently graduated Magna Cum Laude from Columbia University, with a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science and Environmental Biology. Having built my own portfolio website, I am currently working as a software engineer in Manhattan. During college, I volunteered in Ghana and Panama with international NGOs to construct boreholes and provide medical supplies for the local communities. Apart from being enthusiastic about community service, my passion for marine biology has motivated me to pursue my first PADI dive certification at the age of 17, subsequently conducting marine conservation research in Belize and Jordan. As a woman in STEM, I hope to challenge myself throughout this pageant experience and break out of the nerdy stereotype of Chinese American female engineers. Ultimately, I aspire to become Miss Chinese American with both beauty and wisdom, instilling the spirit of truth, kindness and beauty of our Chinese American women. 大家好。我叫梁倩淇Debbie,來自香港。今年23歲,於Columbia University取得Magna Cum Laude的學士名譽,主修Computer Science和Environmental Biology。目前從事於software engineering的工作,亦在網上建立了自己專屬的portfolio website。大學時期,我去過Ghana和Panama做義工,分別為本地人建築boreholes和提供醫療服務。除此之外,我都熱愛海洋世界,所以17歲考了PADI的潛水牌,並到Belize和Jordan進行保育海洋生物的研究。作為一位woman in STEM,我希望通過參加這次選美比賽挑戰自我,打破社會對女性程師都是書蟲的偏見,成為一名美貌與智慧並重的美國華裔小姐,傳承我們中華女性真、善、美的精神。多謝!
IG Account: debbieleungsinki