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8. Ella Gu 顧玉晴

From 來自:  New York, NY

Age 年齡:  24

Weigh 體重:  112 lbs

Height 身高:  5’5”

Occupation 職業:  Fashion Designer, Painter 时装设计师、画家

Education 學歷:  Fashion Institute of Technology, Fashion Design major

Languages 能說什麼語言:  English, Mandarin 英語、普通話

Hobbies/Skills 興趣/專長:  Painting, Drawing, Designing, Illustrator, Playing Chess, Cooking, Reading 绘画、绘图、设计、插画、下棋、烹饪、阅读

Aspirations 志向:  To become a successful designer and painter, to launch an art gallery.

Self-introduction 自我介紹:
Hello, my name is Ella Gu. I immigrated from China with my parents when I was ten years old. I started being interested in art at the age of five and my parents sent me to art classes. I also visit art galleries and museums every time I travel to different places. At the age of twelve, I decided that I’m going to be an artist in the future. I joined the competition named Scholastic Art and Writing in 2017 and won a silver medal. My artwork was exhibited in the Metropolitan Museum along with other winners. Currently, I study at the Fashion Institute of Technology, majoring in fashion design. I hope that I will further study in the fine art field in the future. Fine art is definitely my long-time achievement and I’m persistent in that. I joined the Miss Chinese Beauty Pageant for learning and experience. I want to spend this summer learning and growing. If I become the title winner I will use my resources and abilities to help the people that struggle with poverty and also start a charity to provide tuition for children that need them.

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